Call of duty ww2 snipers
Call of duty ww2 snipers

call of duty ww2 snipers

In order to prevent players from abusing the overpowered weapons, Sledgehammer Games has increased the ADS (aiming down sight) time for both sniper rifles so that they are forced to return to long ranges for optimal combat effectiveness. Targets on the receiving end of the Kar98K and the M1903 sniper rifles are typically blown away in one hit, turning effective quickscope players into harbingers of death at both medium and close range. Sledgehammer Games announced yesterday, however, that this practice will be getting a much-requested nerf in today's patch.įirst, an explanation on what quickscoping actually is: it's the act of aiming down the sights of a sniper rifle and firing the trigger at the first moment possible. Quickscoping, which is strategy used by snipers to maximize damage output to potentially unfair levels, has been a multiplayer talking point since the game launched last November. While the throwback-era multiplayer has been the main draw of Call of Duty: WW2, that isn't to say that the online battlefield has been a completely smooth experience for all gamers. There can be no doubt that Call of Duty: WW2 was a massive success for both Activision and Sledgehammer Games, with the title now home to a bustling online community and even becoming the best‐selling game of 2017.

Call of duty ww2 snipers